Best PRF in Riverside

Best PRF in Riverside, California

How Can I Find the Best PRF in Riverside, California for Remarkable Results From Regenerative Medicine?

Everyone has heard of platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). It’s that incredible treatment that regenerates your hair, skin, and even muscles and tendons.

But, have you heard of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), a more advanced regenerative medicine treatment quickly gaining popularity? Look at this advancement in PRP and how you can find the best PRF in Riverside, California.

Here’s the Quick 411 on PRP Therapy!

PRP therapy was first used to help heal injuries in the elderly and athletes. Now, it’s used for cosmetic treatments, since we know it can rejuvenate skin, reverse sun damage, and even regrow thinning / lost hair.

All it takes is a simple blood draw from a place like your arm. A specialist spins your blood down into its various parts and harvests the platelet-rich plasma. They purify it and then turn it into an injectable that’s meticulously applied to the treated area.

What’s the Difference Between PRP and PRF?

Your blood is spun at a lower speed, which makes it much less stressful on your blood cells. This allows more white blood cells and stem cells to remain intact for your injectable. PRF also has a gel consistency, which is great for adding volume to places like your cheeks.

What Can I Expect From the Best PRF in Riverside, California?

PRF injections are a perfect solution to stimulate collagen production in your skin, which reduces wrinkles, tightens and strengthens your skin, while also giving it a smoother appearance. You can use this treatment to restore facial volume and to rejuvenate your scalp.

Unleash the Healing Power Within You at a New You Aesthetics!

We have the most advanced treatments, including the best PRF in Riverside, California, here at a New You Aesthetics. Come to our clinic and find out everything this remarkable treatment can do to regenerate and rejuvenate. To schedule an appointment for PRF, call 951-972-8911 today!

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