radiesse cost

Radiesse Cost: Is It Worth It?

If you are trying to decide whether or not to receive Radiesse, the cost is the first factor you’re going to want to take into account. But you should also consider the benefits of the treatment, your aesthetic goals, and your condition.

Strike a balance. Weigh the pros and cons based on the information below and after consulting with a skilled injector, and then decide if the Radiesse cost is worth it for you!

What Is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a specific type of dermal filler known as biostimulators. These injectables actually activate fibroblasts to stimulate your own natural collagen production for a more youthful appearance!

You can reverse the signs of aging by adding immediate volume for instant results, while also maintaining your improved look long term because Radiesse continues to work behind the scenes boosting collagen.

How Much Does Radiesse Cost?

The price of Radiesse varies heavily depending on the size of the target injection site, the patient’s individual goals, and the amount of product used. Patients may also need multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

It’s likely you’ll find the price per syringe between $650 and $800, and you may need more than one to achieve your aesthetic goals. Currently, the average cost for one area according to RealSelf.com users is $1,125.

How Do I Know if Radiesse Is Right for Me?

A consultation is necessary for customized pricing. During this visit, you’ll find out whether you’re a good candidate for this remarkable injectable. Additionally, you’ll be able to make a decision on whether you think the Radiesse cost is worth it. This is a personal decision you have to make for yourself. However, most patients decide it’s well worth their investment into themselves!

Find Out the Best Filler for You With a Consultation From the Radiesse Experts Here at A New You Aesthetics

At our renowned medical spa, we offer the top brands and personalized care. Let’s work together to find the best filler for you based on your budget, goals, and other individual factors!

Call us today at 951-972-8911 to book your Radiesse consultation, and be sure to ask us about our flash sales and other specials!

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