Restylane and Juvederm

Restylane and Juvederm Lip Fillers

Restylane and Juvederm are two of the best options out there for reducing wrinkles and revitalizing aging skin.

But they’re not exactly a one-two punch. There are slight differences between the two among their many similarities.

Which one is right for you? There’s only one way to find out.

On Lips

Both are FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal fillers so both Restylane and Juvederm are non-invasive injections that add volume to any patient’s lips in a safe and approved way.

Juvederm, for one, provides instant results. Restylane injections will not cost your any longer at the doctor’s office but it will require some more patience as results take a couple days.

The Right Candidate

Neither dermal filler is recommended for pregnant women or anybody under the age of 21.

Also any allergies to lidocaine will also prevent you from receiving either injection. But various inflammatory skin conditions and bleeding disorders specifically prevent patients from receiving Restylane injections.

The Cost

Both Restylane and Juvederm are not covered by health insurance. But they won’t break the bank the way surgery would.

Juvederm is a little more pricey than its counterpart, especially on the West Coast where it can be as expensive as $900 per injection, but averages out to about $600 throughout the country.

Restylane will run as low as $300, but as high as $650.

Side Effects

Each injections usually includes some swelling and redness in the targeted area. And lidocaine always comes with the risk of numbness.

Really serious side effects like necrosis and hyperpigmentation are rare in both injections. They’re FDA approved with good reason.

Long-Lasting Results

Restylane and Juvederm were developed to provide the longest lasting results possible, treating lip lines and plumping up your pout naturally.

But Juvederm has proven to outlast its peer by months, lasting as long as an entire year. Restylane is good for 10 months.

First Step

To get a first-hand consultation and learn more about your dermal filler options, reach out to A New You Aesthetics Medical Spa and schedule your appointment with Dr. Nalan Narine today.

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