Best Mounjaro Doctor

Best Mounjaro Doctor in Temecula CA

With weight loss injections like semaglutide and tirzepatide, more people than ever are able to finally reach their ideal body weight after previous failed attempts. The best Mounjaro doctor in Temecula, CA can prescribe these medications to qualified patients. Here’s your quick intro into the latest weight loss injections that keep gaining in popularity!

How Can Weight Loss Injections Help Me Shed Unwanted Pounds?

How they work varies, but the end game is the same. Semaglutide and tirzepatide are both medications used for managing diabetes and promoting weight loss, but they have some differences. 

GLP-1 and GIP are incretin hormones that are produced in the intestine in response to the food you eat. Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, while tirzepatide is an agonist on both GLP-1 and GIP receptors. The agonists help regulate appetite, slow digestion, and reduce hunger, all of which contribute to reduced calorie intake and weight loss.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

Weight loss injections require patience, as results do not occur overnight. It can take weeks up to a few months to see the numbers on your scale start to drop. 

This method is only one part of a comprehensive lifestyle plan to manage weight. Optimal outcomes are achieved when you eat healthy, engage in regular exercise, manage stress, and get enough sleep. 

I Am Ready to Start My Weight Loss Journey! Are Injections Right for Me?

Whether or not you are a good candidate can only be determined during a consultation with the best Mounjaro doctor in Temecula, CA. Be prepared to answer questions about your health, current medications, and previous attempts at weight loss. Your doctor will also ask questions about your diet, daily activity, and your goals. 

You’ll Find the Best Mounjaro Doctor in Temecula, CA at A New You Aesthetics!

Call us now at 951-972-8911 to take this first important step on the path to a healthier you. Our team, led by Dr. Nalan Narine is excited to meet you and discuss how you can benefit from weight loss injections!

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