Why Choose Feminine Rejuvenation With Ultra Femme 360?
Revolutionary treatments such as Ultra Femme 360 for feminine rejuvenation stimulate your body’s own natural healting processes to reclaim a more youthful look and feel to the vaginal, vulvar, and labial areas.
It is safe and virtually painless, and this amazing treatment lasts less than 10 minutes. You can immediately resume normal activity after treatment, though you may be advised to wait up to seven days before engaging in sexual activity.
When you do resume sexual activity, you can expect to feel greater sensation through a raised labia and tightened vaginal canal. Additionally, Ultra Femme 360 helps increase your natural lubrication for smoother, more pleasurable, pain-free stimulation.

What Does Feminine Rejuvenation Feel Like?
During treatment, you will feel a heat sensation. Women report that it is a comfortable and pleasant procedure.
When Will I See Feminine Rejuvenation Results?
You may experience Ultra Femme 360 results immediately after your first visit. Many women notice a dramatic improvement the first time engaging in sexual activity after their initial treatment. For best results, we recommend up to three treatment sessions.
Am I a Good Candidate for Feminine Rejuvenation?
If you want to improve your sexual health without surgery, then you are likely an excellent candidate for feminine rejuvenation with Ultra Femme 360. The best way to determine wheteher Ultra Femme 360 vaginal rejuvenation is right for you is to schedule a consultation with your women’s health specialist.
Ready to experience the amazing results you can experience from Ultra Femme 360 vaginal rejuvenation? Call us today at 951-972-8911 or book an appointment online, and be on your way to improved sexual health in as little as 10 minutes!