Botox or Dysport?

How to Choose Between Botox or Dysport to Eliminate Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Here’s the Deal on How to Make an Informed Decision When Choosing Cosmetic Injections

If you are contemplating using Botox or Dysport to enhance your own natural beauty by eliminating wrinkles and fine lines, you want to be fully informed about your options. You may be wondering how to choose between these two seemingly similar injectables.

So, Here’s the Scoop on Botox

Botox, a cosmetic and medical injection made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, has the ability to smooth out your existing wrinkles as well as to stop new wrinkles from forming on your skin. 

In cosmetic applications, it works by weakening or paralyzing muscle to prevent contractions. When muscles are relaxed, lines are softened. Botox results seem to last longer than Dysport, so you can go longer between follow-up sessions after achieving your desired aesthetic.

And Here’s the Dish on Dysport

Dysport is an injection similar to Botox in that it consists of a purified type of botulinum toxin. Like Botox, Dysport injections also work by paralyzing various muscles to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face. 

Compared to Botox, it requires more units to achieve the same results. However, those units do come at a cheaper price, so in the end it may all balance out when it comes to cost. Dysport results tend to appear sooner than Botox.

How to Choose Between Botox or Dysport Injections When You Want to Get Rid of Wrinkles and Look Years Younger Without Invasive Procedures

Both injectables are known to be safe and effective and have their own advantages. Your choice should be made after speaking with a cosmetic injection specialist about your aesthetic goals. Call us today at 951-972-8911 or schedule an appointment online for a complimentary consultation on how to choose between Botox or Dysport, so you can put your best face forward!

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