Platelet Rich Plasma Cost

What Is the PRP Cost in Fallbrook, CA?

Platelet Rich Plasma Cost

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment for both hair and face, helping to rejuvenate in any area it’s used.

Keep reading to learn about PRP, plus the PRP cost in Fallbrook, CA!

PRP: How It Works and Benefits

PRP therapy is a treatment that uses the patient’s own plasma to address cosmetic issues. The goal with PRP is to promote cell proliferation and trigger the body’s healing response to areas of concern.

The process is simple. Your blood is drawn and placed into a centrifuge, a machine that spins rapidly to separate the components of your blood. Then, the platelet-rich plasma is drawn into a syringe and injected into your scalp or face.

PRP for the hair has shown to improve scalp health and encourage hair growth, especially for patients with postpartum hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. For the face, PRP can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fade acne scars, and generally improve your complexion.

PRP Cost in Fallbrook, CA: What It Is and What It Includes

The cost of PRP varies depending on the type of treatment you receive, as well as how many sessions you require to achieve your ideal results.

Generally, PRP ranges anywhere from $500 to $3,500. A PRP facial averages $825 for one session, while PRP for hair loss can range from $1,500 to $3,500 for an initial three sessions. Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all cost for PRP.

The best way to determine your personal cost for PRP is by consulting with a professional.

Consult With A New You Aesthetics for Your Personal PRP Quote!

Get a quote on your PRP cost in Fallbrook, CA by booking your complimentary consultation with A New You Aesthetics! Call us at 951-972-8911 to learn more, and don’t forget to check out our current specials!

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